Chapter One – General Provisions

Article 1- According to the resolution of the 262nd session of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution dated October 29, 1991 and the relevant bylaws and the approval of the commission subject to Article 4 of the above resolution, which will be called the “commission” for short, the Iranian neuroscience society will be formed based on future articles. Then it is called “society” for short.

Article 2-The society activities are in relevant scientific, research, professional and technical fields, and its members do not have the right to political activity or affiliation with political parties in the name of the society.

Article 3- The society is a non-profit organization and has a legal entity from the date of approval of the commission and registration in the registration office, and the chairman of its board of directors is the legal representative of the society.

Article 4 – The center of the society localized in Tehran (Address: Shahid Hemmat Highway, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy) and its branches can be formed in any region of the country. The process of forming the branches of the society will be in accordance with the approval of the board of directors of the central society and under their supervision.

Article 5 – The society has Iranian citizenship.

Article 6- The society shall be formed for an indefinite period from the date of ratification of this bylaw and shall obey laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Chapter Two – Description of purpose and duties

Article 7- In order to achieve the purpose expressed in Article 2, the society will carry out the following activities.

7-1 Promoting Communications and cooperative activities of researchers, specialists and other experts for exchanging of knowledge and views in this field.

7-2 Cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education and universities and educational and research institutions, as well as other organizations that are active in the society.

7-3 Interaction with the competent authority for reviewing and evaluating the educational and health programs, the educational institute and the scientific level of the graduates of medical sciences.

7-4 Providing educational, scientific, technical and research services based on the relevant criteria.

7-5 Encouraging scientists, researchers and students in promoting scientific, research and educational activities, health and treatment.

7-6 Preparing, compiling and publishing scientific and educational journals.

7-7 Holding educational conference, continuing education at national and international levels in compliance with the current laws and regulations of the country.

7-8 Providing suitable situations for researching in neuroscience field, especially by encouraging young professionals.

7-9 Participating in the formation of the Scientific Societies of the Iranian Medical Groups’ federation and planning the related affairs.

7-10 Attracting the support of international institutions to carry out scientific and research according to current criteria of the country.

Chapter Three – Membership

Article 8-  Categories of Members of the Society shall be as follows:

8-1 Associate membership: The founding board of the society and individuals who have at least doctorate, postdoctoral or fellowship in the field of neuroscience or specialized in one of the related basic sciences or medicine in addition to publishing at least three articles ISI in one of the branches of neuroscience can become a member of the society according to the criteria mentioned in this Article.

8-2 Affiliate membership: Individuals who meet the following conditions can become members of the society: All those who have a master’s degree, professional doctorate, specialized doctorate or expertise in one of the related fields of medicine or who have researched in the field of neuroscience.

8-3 Honorary membership: Iranian and foreign persons who have achieved effective and valuable results in the Society’s subject field or have special scientific or social status can be accepted as honorary member.

Note 1: The affiliated members can be elected as associate members by fulfilling the conditions and approval of the society council members.

Note 2: The associate members must have the conditions of the founding board and the board of directors mentioned in Article 7 of the by-laws on how to form and describe the duties of the commission.[WU1] 

Article 9- Each member shall pay an annual amount as a membership fee. The amount of fee will be determined by the CouncilMembers and approved by the General Assembly.

Note 1: Payment of membership fee will not create any rights and claims for the assets of the association for the member.

Note 2: The criterion for the associate members of society will be the registeration in the same year, and therefore persons are allowed to participate in the council elections who have paid the approved membership fee in the same year and received the participation form in the General Assembly and elections.

Article 10- Membership in the society ends in one of the following cases:

10-1 Written resignation of a member.

10-2 Failure to pay the annual membership fee within the deadline determined by the Board of Directors.

10-3 lack of one of the membership conditions as well as a final sentence in the primary and higher disciplinary boards of the medical system organization to be temporarily or permanently deprived of medical employment.

Note 1: The period of suspension of membership is equal to the period of deprivation of employment in the medical profession.

Note 2: The final decision regarding non-acceptance and termination of membership after informing and approving the Board of Supervision of the Society based on the subject of paragraph 7 of Article 3 of the By-Laws will be with the Board of Directors.

Chapter 4 – The elements of society

Article 11- The society has the following elements:

11-1 General Assembly

11-2 Council  members

11-3 Inspector

– General Assembly

Article 12- The General Assembly divides to:

1)The Ordinary General Assembly which is convened once a year, responsible for the current affairs of the society and can also be convened earlier.

2)Extraordinary General Assembly is convened when it is needed to make the necessary amendments to the Bylaws or deciding for the dissolution of the society which must be also approved by the commission. Extraordinary General Assemblies are convened by the request of the Board of directors, inspector or one-fifth of associate members.

Note 1: The meetings of the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly shall be conduct with the presence of at least half plus one of the associate members, and in the Extraordinary General Assemblies, the decisions will be made by two-thirds of the votes.

Note 2: If the necessary quorum for convening the ordinary and extraordinary general assembly meetings is not reached, one month after the date of the initial meeting, the re-invitation shall be made in the same way, stating the result of the previous invitation, in which case the assembly will be formed with any number of members present.

Article 13- The duties of the Ordinary General Assembly are as follows:

13-1 Hearing the report of the board of directors and the inspector and reviewing and making a decision regarding the report of the annual activities of the society.

13-2 Deciding on the balance sheet and budget of the society and the amount of membership fee.

13-3 Election or dismissal of board members.

13-4 Selecting one of the members as the main inspector and one alternate.

13-5 Approving all by-laws and executive rules required for the society affairs by suggestion of the Board of Directors.

13-6 Determining the most widely published newspaper for publishing the society advertisements.

Note: In all the meetings of the general assemblies, the representative mentioned in Note 1 of Article 10 of the By-Laws on how to identify and describe the duties of the Commission will be invited to attend the meeting. In case of absence in the representative of the commission, the meeting will not be official.

– Council members

Article 14- The council members are composed of 9 people and other 2 people are elected as alternate members. The mentioned members will be elected by secret ballot of the associate members in the meeting of the ordinary general assembly once every 3 years and the membership in the board of directors is honorary.

Note 1: Adding more members to boards of directors can be done by request of the board of directors and the approval of the general assembly and the final approval of the commission.

Note 2: The council members meeting shall be convened at least once a month and shall be formalized in the presence of two-thirds of the members, and decisions shall be made by a majority vote of those present.

Article 15- In the first meeting, the council members elect one Chairman, one Vice-Chairman, one Secretary and one Treasurer by a written vote of the majority of the members of the Board of Directors. In addition, the regulations of society will be determined and approved in the meetings of the board of directors.

Note 1: The president and the secretary of society cannot be elected to one of these two responsibilities for more than two consecutive terms.

Note 2: The Chairperson of the council members will be responsible for managing the current affairs and will be the executor of all approvals of the council members and the legal representative and legal entity of the society in the presence of authorities.

Note 3: All commitment letters (promissory notes) shall be signed by the Chairperson of the council members and signed by the Treasurer and the seal of the society and official administrative letters shall be signed by the Chairperson of the council or in his absence by the Vice Chairperson.

Note 4: If a council members does not participate in 3 consecutive meetings or 5 alternate meetings without a valid reason (at the discretion of the council members), he will be considered resigned.

Note 5: In case of resignation, dismissal or death of a council member, new member will be substituted to replace him for the rest of the membership period.

Article 16- The Board of Directors is obliged to convene the General Assembly and elect a new council member in the presence of the representative of the Commission within four months before the end of their incumbency and immediately send the results to the Commission for consideration.

Note: The previous council members will be responsible for the affairs of the society until the approval of the new board of directors by the commission.

Article 17- Duties and powers of the council members:

17-1 Convening ordinary and extraordinary general assemblies

17-2 Implementation of decisions taken in general assemblies

17-3 Organizing lectures and scientific, technical and research meetings in compliance with the current laws and regulations of the country

17-4 Preparing rules and regulations and executive by-laws

17-5 Preparing the annual report of the activities of society for presenting to the general assembly

17-6 Preparing the balance sheet and presenting it to the general assembly

17-7 Accepting gifts and financial aid for the society

17-8Suggesting amendments and changes in the articles of society to the general assembly

17-9 Managing the affairs of the society according to the articles

17-10 Forming various executive and specialized committees and determining the type of activity and supervising them

17-11 Selecting and introducing the representatives of the society to domestic and foreign scientific societies in compliance with the laws and regulations of the country

17-12 proceeding of all natural and legal entities and defending the lawsuits that are filed against the society in all authorities and stages of the proceedings with the right to appoint a lawyer.

17-13 Deciding on the joining of the society in domestic and foreign assemblies in compliance with the current laws and regulations of the country.

17-14 Proposing the dissolution of the society to the extraordinary general assembly.

– Inspector

Article 18-The society will have one Chief Inspector and 2 alternate members who will be elected by secret ballot of associate members once every 3 years in the General Assembly meetings.

Article 19- The duties of the inspector are as follows:

19-1 Examining all the financial documents of the association and presenting prepared report to the general assembly.

19-2 Reviewing the annual report of the board of directors, both financial and non-financial, and preparing a report on the performance of the association and presenting it to the general assembly

19-3 Reporting any council member’s violation to the General Assembly

19-4 Convening an Extraordinary General Assembly in necessary cases

Article 20- The participation of the inspector in the meetings of the board of directors is allowed without the right to vote and he can request and examine the documents and financial books of the association from the board of directors at any time.

Article 21- At the end of each financial year, the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall submit the annual activity report of the society and its financial balance sheet to the Inspector for being approved at least 45 days before the first meeting of the Annual General Assembly.

Chapter Five – Financial Resources

Article 22- The financial resources are:

22-1 Membership fee

22-2 From the place of gifts and aids

22-3 Income from educational, research, technical and publishing activities

22-4 Financial support of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education

Chapter Six – reasons for disbanding of association

Article 23- Dissolution of the Society shall be determined for any reason by decision of the council members or the Inspector or one -third of the associate members and the approval of the Extraordinary General Assembly.

Article 24- The Extraordinary General Assembly, which decides to disband the Association shall elect a settlement board and determine the duration of mission at the same meeting.

Article 25- The Settlement Board shall present a report at the annual meetings of the Extraordinary General Assembly. The settlement must be approved by the Extraordinary General Assembly and announced in the Official Gazette and one of the most widely circulated newspapers, and notified to the Commission.

Note: The remaining properties of the society will be donated to one of the educational and research institutions of the country after the settlement of debts and expenses and the approval of the settlement board and commission.

Article 26- This statute, consisting of 6 chapters, 25 Articles and 19 Notes, was approved by the founding general assembly on May 25, 2012.