Newsletter subscription

If you want to receive the news and announcements of the Iranian Neuroscience Society in your email faster and easier than other people and be informed of the latest update, subscribe to the newsletter of the Iranian Neuroscience society for receiving the news, announcements and be informed of the new update faster and easier via your email. Your subscription to the newsletter is free and your email address will be kept with us. This way, you will only receive weekly newsletters and announcements, and no promotional or spam emails will be sent to you.

Newsletter subscription guide

First enter your name, surname and email address in the newsletter form and click the subscribe button. A confirmation link will be sent to your email address. Please check your email inbox and click on the subscription confirmation link in the newsletter. Then, you will be referred to a page to confirm you are not a robot by clicking on “I am not a robot” and after answering the security questions, click on the subscribe button. You have now subscribed to the newsletter of the Iranian Neuroscience society and you can manage your account.